Build a Pipeline

Instill VDP enables seamless integration of unstructured data into your applications, bolstering them with a range of AI capabilities. Here’s how to create a pipeline:

  1. Start by clicking on + Create Pipeline on your pipeline page.

  2. Configure Settings:

    • Owner: Select whether the cloned pipeline will be under your personal account or your organization's account.
    • Pipeline Name: Enter a name for your new pipeline.
    • Description: Optionally, add a description to give more context about the pipeline.
    • Visibility: Choose if you want your pipeline to be public or private.
  3. Add necessary components by selecting Component + and then choosing from the list. For each component, set up connectors by entering required details, such as an "API Token".

  4. In the component, define the Task and Model your pipeline will utilize. This will vary depending on the chosen components.

  5. To tailor the prompt, click Add Field, select the Input Type, input a Title (the Key will be generated automatically but can be altered), and add a description if needed.

  6. Reference prompts or fields within the pipeline by typing ${. A smart hint will display available references for selection. Linked components will be visually connected.

  7. Repeat steps 3-6 until your pipeline is fully constructed.

  8. Save your work to preserve the pipeline.

With these straightforward steps, you can efficiently build a pipeline that complements your app’s functionality.

Build a pipeline
Build a pipeline

Last updated: 4/29/2024, 5:46:43 AM