Google Search

The Google Search component is a data connector that allows users to leverage the Google Search engine. It can carry out the following tasks:

#Release Stage



The component configuration is defined and maintained here.


FieldField IDTypeNote
API Key (required)api_keystringAPI Key for the Google Custom Search API. You can create one here:
Search Engine ID (required)cse_idstringID of the Search Engine to use. Before using the Custom Search JSON API you will first need to create and configure your Programmable Search Engine. If you have not already created a Programmable Search Engine, you can start by visiting the Programmable Search Engine control panel You can find this in the URL of your Search Engine. For example, if the URL of your search engine is, the ID value is: 012345678910

#Supported Tasks

Search data via Google Search Engine.

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_SEARCH
Query (required)querystringThe search query for Google
Top Ktop_kintegerThe number of results to return for each query
Include Link Textinclude_link_textbooleanIndicate whether to scrape the link and include the text of the link associated with this search result in the 'link_text' field
Include Link HTMLinclude_link_htmlbooleanIndicate whether to scrape the link and include the raw HTML of the link associated with this search result in the 'link_html' field
Resultsresultsarray[object]The returned search results from Google

Last updated: 5/16/2024, 9:38:32 PM