Instill CLI

📺 Instill CLI inst is the official command line for Instill Core and Instill Cloud.

Instill CLI
Instill CLI


Make sure you have the prerequisites set up:


When you use Instill CLI, you should add current user to docker group or use in root.

#Downloading Instill CLI

inst is available via Homebrew.


brew install instill-ai/tap/inst

Alternatively, inst supports cross platforms. You can just download the Instill CLI for your operating system from the Assets of the release page:

  • MacOS x86_64/amd64
  • Linux x86_64/amd64
  • Linux arm64/aarch64
  • Linux arm-v6
  • Windows x86_64/amd64

If you do download from the above links, the steps are slightly different compared to downloading the ILLA CLI from Homebrew. After downloading the CLI, you will have to make it executable. Let’s take Instill CLI on MacOS for example:

## Download Instill CLI binary file from the latest release version.
## Here we use `v0.1.0-alpha` as example
## unpack the file
tar -zxvf inst_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz
cd bin
chmod +x inst
## Run the Instill CLI

The following command will check all available commends:

inst help

#Deploying Instill Core

Once the Instill CLI has been installed, you can deploy a local Instill Core instance:

inst local deploy

Once all services are up and running,the Console UI is ready to go at http://localhost:3000. Please proceed by following the onboarding guide.

#Undeploy Instill Core

To shutdown and clean up all Instill Core resources, run

inst local undeploy

Here are some other command usage examples:

# Authorisation for an instance (default to Instill Cloud
inst auth login
# REST API request
inst api vdp/v1beta/pipelines

#Uninstall Instill CLI

To uninstall Instill CLI:

brew uninstall inst

Last updated: 3/21/2024, 1:42:31 PM