
The Redis component is a data connector that allows users to manage data in NoSQL Redis databases. It can carry out the following tasks:

#Release Stage



The component configuration is defined and maintained here.


FieldField IDTypeNote
Host (required)hoststringRedis host to connect to
Port (required)portintegerPort of Redis
UsernameusernamestringUsername associated with Redis
PasswordpasswordstringPassword associated with Redis
SSL ConnectionsslbooleanIndicates whether SSL encryption protocol will be used to connect to Redis. It is recommended to use SSL connection if possible.
SSL Configurationssl_modeobjectSSL connection modes. verify-full - This is the most secure mode. Always require encryption and verifies the identity of the source database server

#Supported Tasks

#Retrieve Chat History

Retrieve chat history from Redis.

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_RETRIEVE_CHAT_HISTORY
Session ID (required)session_idstringA unique identifier for the chat session
Latest Klatest_kintegerThe number of latest conversation turns to retrieve. A conversation turn typically includes one participant speaking or sending a message, and the other participant(s) responding to it.
Include System Message If Existsinclude_system_messagebooleanInclude system message in the retrieved conversation turns if exists
Chat Messagemessagesarray[object]Messages

#Write Chat Message

Write chat message into Redis.

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_WRITE_CHAT_MESSAGE
Session ID (required)session_idstringA unique identifier for the chat session
Role (required)rolestringThe message role, i.e. 'system', 'user' or 'assistant'
Content (required)contentstringThe message content
MetadatametadataobjectThe message metadata
StatusstatusbooleanThe status of the write operation

#Write Multi Modal Chat Message

Write multi-modal chat message into Redis.

Session ID (required)session_idstringA unique identifier for the chat session
Role (required)rolestringThe message role, i.e. 'system', 'user' or 'assistant'
Content (required)contentstringThe multi-modal message content
MetadatametadataobjectThe message metadata
StatusstatusbooleanThe status of the write operation

Last updated: 5/16/2024, 9:38:32 PM