Instill Model

The Instill Model component is an AI connector that allows users to connect the AI models served on the Instill Model Platform. It can carry out the following tasks:

#Release Stage



The component configuration is defined and maintained here.

#Supported Tasks


Classify images into predefined categories.

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_CLASSIFICATION
Model Name (required)model_namestringThe Instill Model model to be used.
Image (required)image_base64stringImage base64
CategorycategorystringThe predicted category of the input.
ScorescorenumberThe confidence score of the predicted category of the input.

#Instance Segmentation

Detect, localize and delineate multiple objects in images.

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_INSTANCE_SEGMENTATION
Model Name (required)model_namestringThe Instill Model model to be used.
Image (required)image_base64stringImage base64
Objectsobjectsarray[object]A list of detected instance bounding boxes.


Detect and localize multiple keypoints of objects in images.

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_KEYPOINT
Model Name (required)model_namestringThe Instill Model model to be used.
Image (required)image_base64stringImage base64
Objectsobjectsarray[object]A list of keypoint objects, a keypoint object includes all the pre-defined keypoints of a detected object.


Detect and localize multiple objects in images.

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_DETECTION
Model Name (required)model_namestringThe Instill Model model to be used.
Image (required)image_base64stringImage base64
Objectsobjectsarray[object]A list of detected objects.


Detect and recognize text in images.

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_OCR
Model Name (required)model_namestringThe Instill Model model to be used.
Image (required)image_base64stringImage base64
Objectsobjectsarray[object]A list of detected bounding boxes.

#Semantic Segmentation

Classify image pixels into predefined categories.

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION
Model Name (required)model_namestringThe Instill Model model to be used.
Image (required)image_base64stringImage base64
Stuffsstuffsarray[object]A list of RLE binary masks.

#Text Generation

Generate texts from input text prompts.

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_TEXT_GENERATION
Model Name (required)model_namestringThe Instill Model model to be used.
Prompt (required)promptstringThe prompt text
System messagesystem_messagestringThe system message helps set the behavior of the assistant. For example, you can modify the personality of the assistant or provide specific instructions about how it should behave throughout the conversation. By default, the model’s behavior is using a generic message as "You are a helpful assistant."
Extra Parametersextra_paramsobjectExtra Parameters
Prompt Imagesprompt_imagesarray[string]The prompt images
Chat historychat_historyarray[object]Incorporate external chat history, specifically previous messages within the conversation. Please note that System Message will be ignored and will not have any effect when this field is populated. Each message should adhere to the format: : {"role": "The message role, i.e. 'system', 'user' or 'assistant'", "content": "message content"{.
SeedseedintegerThe seed
TemperaturetemperaturenumberThe temperature for sampling
Top Ktop_kintegerTop k for sampling
Max new tokensmax_new_tokensintegerThe maximum number of tokens for model to generate

#Text Generation Chat

Generate texts from input text prompts and chat history.

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_TEXT_GENERATION_CHAT
Model Name (required)model_namestringThe Instill Model model to be used.
Prompt (required)promptstringThe prompt text
System messagesystem_messagestringThe system message helps set the behavior of the assistant. For example, you can modify the personality of the assistant or provide specific instructions about how it should behave throughout the conversation. By default, the model’s behavior is using a generic message as "You are a helpful assistant."
Extra Parametersextra_paramsobjectExtra Parameters
Prompt Imagesprompt_imagesarray[string]The prompt images
Chat historychat_historyarray[object]Incorporate external chat history, specifically previous messages within the conversation. Please note that System Message will be ignored and will not have any effect when this field is populated. Each message should adhere to the format: : {"role": "The message role, i.e. 'system', 'user' or 'assistant'", "content": "message content"{.
SeedseedintegerThe seed
TemperaturetemperaturenumberThe temperature for sampling
Top Ktop_kintegerTop k for sampling
Max new tokensmax_new_tokensintegerThe maximum number of tokens for model to generate

#Text To Image

Generate images from input text prompts.

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_TEXT_TO_IMAGE
Model Name (required)model_namestringThe Instill Model model to be used.
Prompt (required)promptstringThe prompt text
Extra Parametersextra_paramsobjectExtra Parameters
CFG Scalecfg_scalenumberThe guidance scale, default is 7.5
SamplessamplesintegerThe number of generated samples, default is 1
SeedseedintegerThe seed, default is 0
StepsstepsintegerThe steps, default is 5

#Visual Question Answering

Answer questions based on a prompt and an image.

Model Name (required)model_namestringThe Instill Model model to be used.
Prompt (required)promptstringThe prompt text
System messagesystem_messagestringThe system message helps set the behavior of the assistant. For example, you can modify the personality of the assistant or provide specific instructions about how it should behave throughout the conversation. By default, the model’s behavior is using a generic message as "You are a helpful assistant."
Extra Parametersextra_paramsobjectExtra Parameters
Prompt Images (required)prompt_imagesarray[string]The prompt images
Chat historychat_historyarray[object]Incorporate external chat history, specifically previous messages within the conversation. Please note that System Message will be ignored and will not have any effect when this field is populated. Each message should adhere to the format: : {"role": "The message role, i.e. 'system', 'user' or 'assistant'", "content": "message content"{.
SeedseedintegerThe seed
TemperaturetemperaturenumberThe temperature for sampling
Top Ktop_kintegerTop k for sampling
Max new tokensmax_new_tokensintegerThe maximum number of tokens for model to generate

#Image To Image

Generate image from input text prompt and image.

Task ID (required)taskstringTASK_IMAGE_TO_IMAGE
Model Name (required)model_namestringThe Instill Model model to be used.
Prompt (required)promptstringThe prompt text
Extra Parametersextra_paramsobjectExtra Parameters
Prompt Image (required)image_base64stringThe prompt image
CFG Scalecfg_scalenumberThe guidance scale, default is 7.5
SeedseedintegerThe seed
SamplessamplesintegerThe number of generated samples, default is 1
Top Ktop_kintegerTop k for sampling

Last updated: 5/16/2024, 9:38:32 PM