Docker Compose

Docker Compose is the a straightforward way to set up Instill Core in local machines or remote instances.


Instructions on this page have been tested on macOS and Ubuntu 22.04. Nevertheless, we strongly recommend using our auto-deployment tool, Instill CLI, for the deployment process.


Make sure you have the prerequisites set up:



The code in the main branch reflects ongoing development progress for the next release and may not work as expected. If you need a stable alpha version, use the latest release instead.

On your workstation, run:

git clone -b v0.29.0-beta && cd instill-core
make all

Once all services are up and running,the Console UI is ready to go at http://localhost:3000. Proceed by following the authorisation guide.


To shutdown and clean up all Instill Core resources, run

make down

Last updated: 4/14/2024, 5:39:13 PM